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F-16 Heavy Gross Weight Envelope Expansion Testing

Todd C. Ericson, Major, USAF, 416th Flight Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, CA, USA
Anthony L. Walker, Captain, USAF, 416th Flight Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, CA, USA
Travis J. Higgs, Captain, USAF, 416th Flight Test Squadron, Edwards AFB, CA, USA


Over the past year, the 416th Fight Test Squadron at Edwards AFB, CA has been engaged in several projects for foreign military customers that will ultimately increase the F-16's maximum gross weight from 42,300 to 52,000 pounds. Testing at Edwards was planned to build on data from independent tests executed at other locations. The programs have successfully demonstrated take-off, automatic terrain following, air refueling and weapons deliveries up to 48,000 pounds to date.

During the course of testing, however, several unexpected results were observed. These included divergent longitudinal PIOs, undampened Dutch Roll, aerial refueling clearance issues and a near departure from the runway during drag chute deployment. During the team's investigation into these anomalies, they determined that reliance on incomplete data from other test programs, assumptions regarding aircraft behavior, the lack of a fully instrumented test aircraft and the limited scope of the test objectives all contributed to a less than ideal test plan.

This paper not only highlights the unexpected events but also focuses on the lessons learned from both test planning and execution perspectives. Emphasis includes: 1) the inherent pitfalls of a large multinational, multifaceted program; 2) how and why the team failed to account for foreseeable risks; and 3) how the unexpected events were successfully mitigated to safely obtain the desired objectives.

Tue, 2004-06-08