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Recent developments for efficient helicopter ship qualification testing

P.J.A. Booij, National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A.J. Striegel, National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
J. van der Vorst, National Aerospace Laboratory, NLR , Amsterdam, The Netherlands


In the process of the helicopter-ship qualification testing, several separate programmes are defined. Each programme has its own particular requirements, resulting in a list of essential parameters, defining the data acquisition systems.

After a brief discussion of the test programmes and their impact on the design of the instrumentation systems, a modular solution is presented. This enables the NLR test-team to adapt the initial test programme using the acquired data, resulting in a reduction of total flight testing hours and increased safety.

Based on actual field-testing the reader is led through the process of helicopter-ship qualification testing. The emphasis will be put on the on board flight test facilities, especially the realtime quick look and data processing.

Mon, 2006-06-12